Lviv Railway History Museum

Lviv railway history museum is located in the building of Science and Technology Palace which belongs to the locomotive depot Lviv-Zahid (West).

The museum began its work on November, 4, 2001. It was the 140th anniversary of Lviv raiway. Its exposition presents materials about the railway birth and its construction in Galicia, Volyn, Carpathians and further to the south, to Chernivtsi city, in the times of Austro-Hungary, Poland, USSR and nowadays.

The visitors can see the unique regulatory documents, photoes, models, devices, instruments and railway unifoms of different periods. The album "The Construction of raiway Volodymyr-Volynsky — Sokal" (1916) is considered to be the museum's pride. The three-lingual tickets of 1918-1921; the calculating machine "Koptomir", having been in use till 1939, are of great interest too.

The museum is going to celebrate Lviv railway 150th anniversary and at the same time its own tenth anniversary in autumn, 2011.

Working hours:
08:00-17:00, lunch time 12:00-13:00; closed on Sat., Sun.
Entrance fee:
Free of charge.
Excursion fee:
Free of charge. Should be arranged beforehand.
Lviv city
Y. Fedkovych St. 54-56

Теl.: +38 (032) 226-35-15
How to get:
The museum is situated near М. Кropyvnytsky Sq. (former Pryvokzalna). One must go along Y. Fedkovych St. to house 49. Then turn to the right. The museum is located on the ground floor of Science and Technology Palace.
49.833178  23.998324  
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