Експозиція цього відділу Історичного музею буде особливо цікавою для любителів історії: вона знайомить з періодом Галицько-Волинської держави (ХІІ-ХІІІ ст.), пам'ятками, які висвітлюють історію княжого і середньовічного Львова (скульптурний портрет короля Данила роботи скульптора Т. Бриж, портрет князя Лева, роботи художника Л. Долинського, панорама Львова XVIII ст. художників З. Розвадовського і С. Яновського (1928), пам'ятки міського самоуправління - Ради i Лави, - та зі старої Львiвської ратушi). Тут представлені археологічні знахідки з княжих міст Галич, Звенигород, Теребовля та ін. Надзвичайно вартісною є колекція рукописів і стародруків. Велику цінність мають твори живопису, особливо портрети XVII-XVIII ст. Для огляду відвідувачів також музичні інструменти XVII-XVIII ст. (торбан, ліра, мазанка, сопілка, трембіта, орган).
Address: Lviv, Rynok Sq. 24
Open: 10:00-18:00 (ticket office till 17:30), closed on We.
Lviv National Museum is the most prominent treasure house of Ukrainian art masterpieces. It was founded in 1905 by Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky. Nowadays it contains 100 thousands exhibits presenting local traditions of art development.
Address: Lviv, Svoboda Av. 20
Open: 10:00-18:00 (ticket office till 17:30), closed on Mo.
Arsenal Museum is a department of Lviv history museum. Ancient side-arms and fire-arms, protective arms and military equipment are represented here. Among ancient arms of more than thirty countries of the world side-arms are represented most widely. Fire arms are represented by cannons, mortars, guns and others.
Address: Lviv, Pidvalna St. 5
Open: 10:00-18:00 (ticket office till d17:30), closed on We.
Art gallery organizes exhibitions of modern artists. The visitors can admire masterpieces of different styles and techniques: paintings, watercolours, pictures at the glass, icon paintings, graphics, art ceramics, art metal, wooden works, handmade dolls, photos, cards etc.
It is a unique building of late Renaissance style. Since 2005 it has been opened for visitors. Nowadays one can see the exhibition "The memorials of jewelery crafts" on the first floor and "Portrait of the XVIII-XX c." on the second.
Address: Lviv, Rynok Sq. 2
Open: 10:00-18:00 (ticket office till 17:00), closed on We.
The building is a unique monument of architecture of the XVI c., it is the so-called "Black Palace". Nowadays it contains the following expositions: "Ukrainian diaspora history", "Liberation movement in Ukraine", "Western Ukraine in the 2nd half of ХІХ-ХХ c."
Address: Lviv, Rynok Sq. 4
Open: 10:00-18:00 (ticket office till 17:30), closed on We.
Center for Urban History of East Central Europe was founded in 2004. As an institute of historical scholarship, the Center promotes scholarly and cultural exchange through conferences, seminars and exhibitions.
Музей Міста (МуМі) — сучасний інтерактивний музей в центрі Львова, в історичних підземеллях міської ратуші, який з допомогою змінних виставок та супровідних програм допомагає пізнавати та переосмислювати місто та роль мешканців у ньому. Відкритий 13 жовтня 2020 року.
Мета Музею — сформувати спільноту свідомих містян, які розуміють свою роль у творенні середовища міста та відповідального використання його простору, водночас гостям Львова допомогти скласти глибше уявлення про сенси міста та його контексти.
Gallery was opened in 1997. It is located in the ancient part of Lviv and combines the exhibition hall, cafe, restaurant. It is the ideological and material center of Dzyga Art Association— the organization of artists, public persons and businessmen.
Wi-Fi internet is available.
Football club "Karpaty" opened the museum of its history in 2011, August 23. The museum is located in one of the rooms belonging to the club shop "Fanat" (Fan). Now one can visit the museum or buy souvenirs with "Karpaty" emblem.
Fire-technical exhibition was opened in 1986. Its exhibits are placed in three halls. The exhibition's numerous collection informs the visitors about the fireman's profession history, and, the old and modern examples of special equipment give an opportunity to follow the development of Lviv fire-saving service.
Address: Lviv, Pidvalna St. 6
Open: 09:00-17:00, lunch time 13:00-14:00; closed on Sa., Su.
It is the department of Museum of ethnography and arts crafts. Museum was founded in 1975. Here the collections of furniture, arts metal and porcelain are presented. The collection of Peter Linynskyy «Antique ceramic stove tiles of Galicia» is of great interest.
Address: Lviv, Rynok Sq. 10
Open: 11:00-17:00 (ticket office till 16:30), closed on Mo.
У галереї експонується понад 30 військових одностроїв першої половини ХХ ст. (зразки форм УПА, УСС, «Січі», українського військово-морського флоту тощо).
Експонати — одяг, емблеми, нашивки — реконструйовані чи відтворені автором проекту Богуславом Любівом.
The Glass Museum presents the glassblower art display, typical in West Ukraine. It was opened in 2006, September, in the framework of celebrating Lviv's 750th anniversary.
Address: Lviv, Rynok Sq. 2 (entrance in Stavropihiyska St.)
Open: 10:00-17:30, in winter 10:00-16:30; closed on We.
Green Sofa Gallery is the gallery of modern art. It was opened to unite and develop all the progressive creative forces. The visitor can make the acquaintance of works of art and buy the thing he likes. Experts of the Gallery can answer the questions and, if needed, give a consultation.
Ivan Franko literary and memory museum is situated in the house where the outstanding Ukrainian writer, publicist, social and political activist lived, wrote his best works and died. The museum stocks number 30 thousand items. They are: writer's personal things, his manuscripts and autographs, private and archival documents, original photos, his first publications etc.
Museum exposition reveals variety of artist's personality. It is organized thematically and chronologically, and presents the main periods in the artist's life and creative work.
Address: Lviv, I. Trush St. 28
Open: 10:00-18:00 (ticket office till 17:00); closed on Fr. and Sa.
The gallery of contemporary sacred art «Iconart» has been working since the 14th of February, 2010 (in the current room - since the 20th of October).
The gallery presents works of sacred art that combine both contemporary art and Christianity, modern culture and spirituality. Here, you can see works made by Ukrainian, in particular Lviv artists - from icons to various handmade items.
Address: Lviv, Virmenska St. 26
Open: Tu.-Sa. 11:00-19:00, Su. 12:00-19:00, closed on Mo.
The museum is located in the monument of architecture of the XVII c. Its exposition presents the part of Lviv baroque sculpture collection, especially masterpieces of J. G. Pinzel — the European prominent sculpture of the ХVIII c.
Address: Lviv, Mytna Sq. 2
Open: 11:00-18:00 (ticket office till 16.00).
In winter — 10:00-17:00 (ticket office till 16.00).
Su. 12:00-17:00; closed on Mo.
The Memorial «Jail at Lotsky Street» was opened in 2009, June 28. The museum exposition is located in the building of the former prison — Polish, Soviet and German one. It is the first museum-jail in Ukraine. Now only the first part of the exposition is opened. It contains three sections: the building history, everyday life of prisoners and mass executions at the end of June of 1941.
Address: Lviv, S. Bandera St. 1 (entrance at Bryullov street)
It is the only museum of Kvitka Cisyk in the world. The museum was opened in 2011, 2 April. It is situated in the school No54 building. The museum exposition covers the singer's life and creative work. The visitors can enjoy the unique voice of K. Cisyk.
The Lviv National Art Gallery named after B. Voznytsky is one of the largest museums in Ukraine. Its funds number more than 62 thousand works of art. The most valuable collections here are: the European art, Lviv sculpture and Ukrainian portrait of XVI-XІX c. There are also interesting collections of icons and antique furniture.
Address: Lviv, V. Stefanyk St., 3
Open: 11:00-18:00 on Wed.- Sat. (booking-office 11:00-17:00);
12:00-18:00 on Tue., Sun. (booking-office 12:00-17:00);
Closed on Mon.
Museum was opened for the first visitors on November 4, 2001. It was Lviv railway 140th anniversary. Its exposition represents materials about the history of railway construction in Galicia, Volyn, Carpathians and further to the south towards Chernivtsi. It covers the period from Austrian-Hungarian time till nowadays.
Address: Lviv, Y. Fedkovych St. 54-56
Open: 08:00-17:00, lunch time 12:00-13:00; closed on Sa., So. You are to make an appointment beforehand.
Lychakiv cemetery is one of the most outstanding European necropolises. It was found in 1786. Today it is both a museum and a burial-vault covering the area over 42 hectares. The cemetery has become the rest place for about half million of people. The museum contains sculptures and artistic pieces of the well-known artists and sculptors: Hartman Witwer, the Schimser brothers, Paul Eutelle, G. Perrie, Yu. Markovskyy, I. Levynskyy, H. Kuznevych, S. Lytvynenko, Ye. Dzyndra and others. The cemetery got the status of museum in 1991. Since that time restorations are constantly conducted at the territory of the museum.
State memorial museum of Michael Hrushevsky, the first President of Ukraine, is located in his private villa. Six museum halls present the materials concerning different periods of life of the prominent scientist and historian. The funds contain original editions, private things and documents of Hrushevsky.
Address: Lviv, Ivan Franko St. 154
Open: 10:00-18:00 (ticket office till 17:00; closed on Tu.
The museum was found in 1852-53. Today its exposition numbers 14 000 samples of minerals from all over the world. The thematic exhibition «Meteorites» presents a unigue collection of meteorites from various regions and decorates the museum exposition.
Address: Lviv, M. Hrushevsky St., 4
Open: 10:00-15:00; lunch time 13:00-14:00; closed on Sat., Sun.
This miniature park was opened Oct 8, 2010 and now is the first museum of that type in Ukraine. The exposition is represented by the miniature castles and fortresses of different regions of an old Ukraine, such as Galicia, Volyn, Transcarpathian region, Podilia, Budzhak, Dnieper Ukraine (Naddniprianshchyna) and Tavria.
The park as a part of Lviv Art Gallery is located on the territory around the Pototskys' Palace (behind the palace building, on the left side).
Музей карет у Львові – найбільший музей карет в Україні. Експозиція складається з 15 експонатів XVIІІ-XІX ст. Серед яких: карета Фаетон Вікторія, Фаетон Віз-а-віз, бричка, ландо, карета, фаетон Доктор, ридван.
Деякі карети були задіяні у зйомках фільмів: "Маестро Березовський", "Багряний сніг листопаду", "Вовче сонце", "Ефір", "Петр Лещенко", "Кава з кардамоном", "Владика Андрей Шептицький".
Відвідувачі мають унікальну можливість оглянути і почути історію карет.
Вартість вхідного квитка – 150 грн.
Museum is one of the oldest and largest ones of the type in the countries of Central-Eastern Europe. Its stocks — the treasure house of traditional cultural folk masterpieces of Ukrainian art. It also contains unique samples of world arts and crafts.
Address: Lviv, Svoboda Av. 15
Open: 11:00-17:30 (ticket office till 16:30), closed on Mo.
The Museum holds a large collection of documents (the oldest ones dating back to 1848, 1858, 1870-1890), exhibits, illustrative materials about the formation and evolution of the University, about well-known scholars and scientists who worked here in various times, about famous alumni; and, also about contacts of Lviv Polytechnic with other technical institutions worldwide.
Lviv museum of history of religion is the cultural establishment which presents the history of world and national religions as well as activities of church organizations with the help of unique exhibits. It includes the following departments:"Religions of ancient world", "Judaism", "Early Christianity", "Armenian church", "History of Catholic church", "Ukrainian Greek-Catholic church", "Orthodox church in Ukraine", "Protestantism", "Islam", "Buddhism".
To its visitors museum proposes different excursions, concerts of organ music and exclusive excursion-mystery «Night at the museum».
This is the first museum of horseshoes in Ukraine. It was opened on the 30 of October, 2014. The collection of horseshoes of Casimir Schudlovskyy, the well known professor - orthopedist, was the base of the museum exposition.
The documents and exhibits of the museum display the history and the development of the art of horseshoeing.
Museum of Ideas is an art project of Oles Dzyndra, the artist, founded in 1992. It is located in the basements of the former Saint Bernard monastery. Museum presents a widespread Area where various art ideas and projects appear and realize.
The museum was opened in 1990, August. Its exposition depicts the history of the Ukrainian medicine development, and informs about the life of doctors-members of Ukrainian Medical Association in Lviv.
Museum has no analogues not only in Ukraine, but in the whole territory of the former USSR. Unique museum's collection pictures the development of metrology from the end of the XIX c. to the present days, and the historic materials tell about the origin of various types of measurements. The exposition is systematically supplemented by new exhibits and numbers at present approximately 350 measurement devices.
The museum of general-khorunzhy (special military rank) of UPA Roman Shukhevych was opened on Oct 23 2001. The exhibition is located in a two-storey building which was the last command centre of the general. He also met his death there.
The exposition on the ground floor is represented by the items connected with everyday life and work of Roman Shukhevych and his closest friends and colleagues. Here you can also see Shukhevych's autobiography, documents connected with his studies and nationalist activities in Plast (National Scout Organization of Ukraine), OUN (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists) and UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army).
On the first floor there is a room with authentic furniture, the immured bunker (kryivka) and the stairs where the leader of UPA was killed.
The Museum was opened in 1993 in the building of the former church of St. John the Baptist that is considered to be one of the oldest Lviv temples.
The museum exposition includes today two plastic panoramas of Lviv in XIII c. and Lviv in XVIII c.; archaeological findings that illustrate the remote past of Lviv and its suburbs.
Address: Lviv, Uzhgorodska St. 1
Open: 10:00-17:00, Sun. 13:00-17:00;
closed on Monday.
Музей Ольги Басараб заснований 8 вересня 1998 р.
Експозиція складається з кількох розділів: дитячі роки та родина, юність, громадська діяльність (зокрема підпільна робота), смерть та посмертні вшанування української патріотки Ольги Басараб.
Museum exposition is located in four halls. It contains paintings, graphics and carpets together with furniture in Ukrainian style. The visitors can also see the tools of the artist — the printing press for engravings and the loom.
Address: Lviv, Lystopadovy Chyn St. 7
Open: 10:00-18:00 (ticket office till 17:00); closed on Fr., Sa.
Museum is a department of Lviv National Museum. Its exposition is located in the former artist's studio. It contains the masterpieces of O. Novakivsky which became well known in Ukrainian art.
Address: Lviv, Lystopadovy Chyn St. 11
Open: 10:00-18:00 (ticket office till 17:00); closed on Fr., Sa.
Pharmacy museum which in 1972 was conferred the honorary title of People's Pharmacy nowadays enjoys great popularity. Its Trade Hall is ornamented with painting executed at the beginning of the 19th century by Viennese masters. The most attractive exhibits are collection of utensils for keeping medicines, pill-making hand-machines, medicine chest of Soviet cosmonauts, a medieval alchemist's laboratory, the basements and inner courtyard.
Lviv history museum is the oldest and the richest in Ukraine thanks to its exhibits. Its exhibition is located in three buildings at Rynok square and numbers more than 330 thousand museum objects. The Royal Halls of the house # 6 contain the department «Historic jewellery».
Address: Lviv, Rynok Sq. 6
Open: 10:00-18:00 (ticket office till 17:30), closed on Wed.
Museum is located in the bell tower of the church of the Holy Spirit (architectural monument of the XVIII c.). Its exhibition depicts the literary and public activities of Markiyan Shashkevych, Ivan Vahylevych and Yakiv Holovatsky, the founders of «Ruska Triytsya» (the Ruthenian Triad) literary group.
Address: Lviv, Kopernik St., 40
Open: 11:00-18:00 on Wed. and Sat.(booking-office 11:00-17:00)
12:00-18:00 on Tue. and Sun.(booking-office 12:00-17:00)
Closed on Mon.
Museum is located on the first floor of the building that belonged to Solomiya Krushelnytska in 1903-1939. Here she spent her last years. The exposition located in seven halls is based on original materials of that period. Every hall with unique interior presents bright moments of creative life of the wide-known singer.
Address: Lviv, S. Krushelnytska St. 33
Open: 10:00-18:00 (ticket office till 17:00); closed on Tu.
Museum was opened in 1996 as a department of Solomiya Krushelnytska museum. It is located in the house of the great composer. The interior of the former composer's accommodation has been preserved. His widower takes care of the museum.
Address: Lviv, S. Lyudkevych St. 7
Open: You are to make an appointment beforehand.
Сlosed on Tu.
Museum started in 1930 when the masterpiece of folk wooden architecture — St. Nicholas church (1763) was removed to Lviv from the village of Kryvky of Turka district. Nowadays museum's exposition includes 124 structures joined into 54 homesteads which represent all ethnographic regions of Ukraine.
Address: Lviv, Chernecha Hora St. 1
Open: 10:00-18:00 in summer, 10:00-17:00 (01.11- 28.02); interiors are not available on Mo. and Tu.
The museum was founded in the room, where Teodozija Bryzh, the famous Lviv sculptress, worked during 1956-1999. The artist's works — easel sculpture, the projects of monuments are kept at the former studio. The part of heritage connected with historic events is of great interest.
Address: Lviv, L. Martovych St., 5
Open: 10:00-17:00 (ticket office till 16:00), closed on Mo.
Pototsky Palace is one of the most interesting architectural monuments of XІХ c. in Lviv. It contains the department "European art of ХIV-ХVІІІ c.", which is the part of Lviv national Gallery of Arts".
Address: Lviv, M. Kopernik St. 15
Open: In summer:
11:00-18:00 (ticket office till 16:00).
In winter:
10:00-17:00 (ticket office till 16:00).
On Sundays: 12:00-17:00 (ticket office till 16:00).
Closed on Mo.
The museum was opened Oct 13, 2012 on the occasion of 70th anniversary of UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army). The exposition is represented by the items related to the period of the liberation from the late 19th century till the times of the independent Ukraine. The exposition of the modern struggle of the Ukrainian people is now in the process of forming.
The Lviv university public Museum is located in the main building. Its exposition is placed in two rooms and informs about the history of the university as an educational, scientific and cultural centre.
Zoological museum of Lviv national university named after Ivan Franko is one of the oldest Ukrainian museums. It was founded in 1885. In 2005 it was included to the list of objects of national heritage.
Museum of Bread was founded in 1987. Its exposition presents the history of grain-growing industry. The museum's main profile is ethnographic. The funds include more than 1,5 thousand exhibits. They are: agricultural implements, household utensils, folk clothes, pieces of adornment, samples of grain etc.