Skole Beskids National Park is located in the river basins of Stryi and Opir rivers. Its territory is located within the areas of Sanocko-Turczańskie Mountains and Skole Beskids. The nature of the soil and flora is caused by calcareous sandstone flysch. In the northwest, Skole Beskids border with the ridge, the highest peak of which is Mount Parashka (1268 m). The inner part of the Beskids borders with Stryi-Sansk highlands. It covers an area of — 35261 hectares.
The climate of the National Park is mild, moderately warm and humid. Winter is characterised by frequent thaws and temperature ranging from 0°С to +5°С. The average temperature in January — around 5°С, in July — +17°С. The annual precipitation is 800-1100 mm. The average height of snow cover is 39 cm.
On the territory of the park one can still find the remains of pure beech forests and spruce fir forests. The age of trees is more than 100 years here. On some ridges there are rare beech, sycamore and alder forests with a medicinal plants cover (for instance, rare ramsons or henbane bell). In general, vascular flora consists of 632 species. More than 50 plant species of the park are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine: leopard's bane, great masterwort, Northern firmoss, fragrant orchid, Narrow-leaved Helleborine, Red Helleborine, creeping lady's-tresses, Lesser Twayblade, Turk's cap lily, perennial honesty, lesser butterfly-orchid, common snowdrop, autumn crocus, small white orchid, henbane bell, the Round Headed Orchid, Crocus heuffelianus Herb, several species of marsh orchid.
The fauna of Skole Beskids National Park is rich and diverse. It is inhabited by 86 species of insects, 18- fish, 9 — amphibians, 6 — reptiles, 121 — birds, and 50 mammal species. Among mammals there are: red deer, roe deer, wild boar, European hare, squirrel, fox, European pine marten and beech marten, wolf, brown bear;among rare species there are — badger, Miller's water shrew, water vole, stoat, wild cat, lynx, Bechstein's bat, lesser horseshoe bat. Birds are represented by: black grouse, hazel grouse, European green woodpecker, Eurasian three-toed woodpecker, red crossbill, grey wagtail, water pipit, tawny owl, peregrine falcon; following birds are listed into the Red Book of Ukraine: western capercaillie, black stork, lesser spotted eagle, golden eagle, red kite, great grey shrike. Reptiles are represented by: common European adder, grass snake, sand lizard, European Green Lizard, common lizard; Aesculapian snake, Carpathian newt, alpine newt, spotted salamander and adder are registered in the Red Book of Ukraine. In general, there are 11 protected animal species, included in the European Red List and 30 — species — into the Red Book of Ukraine.
The park is located in the vicinity of the traditional resort areas — Skhidnitsya, Skole, Slavske. More than 30 mineral springs of balneological effect flow here, for instance, in a valley of the Rybnik Maidansky and outskirts of Novyi Kropyvnyk. There are over 20 resorts and recreation centres here, ecotourism (agritourism) is being actively developed — special potential are characteristic to the villages of Maidan, Urych, Krushelnytsya, Pidhorodci, Korchyn, Zavadka, Rosokhach. In addition, one can visit the Historical and Cultural Reserve "Tustan".