It is gastroenterological spa resort.
Because of their cholagogue, diuretic and relaxing functions the mineral waters of this spa resort purify the organism and induce immunity which results in efficient treatment for the diseases of organs of digestion, ureteral duct, metabolism and allergic conditions.
The arsenal of treatment:
- mineral waters includes spring #1 for treating insufficient acidity, spring #6 for treating retained and excessive acidity as well as spring #4 that has diuretic function;
- baths (the mineral, pearl, mineral coniferous, iodine bromide and herbal ones);
- showers (the hydrolaser, circulatory and rising ones as well as the Sharko shower);
- irrigation (the intestinal, gynaecological and mineral ones);
- mud cure (mud electrophoresis, mud rectal and vaginal tampons).
Medical indications:
- chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, pancreatitis without the susceptibility to acute condition;
- biliary and bowel dyskinesia;
- chronis gastritis and gastroduodenitis, gastric and duodenal ulcer; chronic colitis, entereocolitis, diseases of operated stomach and metabolism (diabetes mellitus, urine acid diathesis, obesity etc.);
- accompanying diseases (osteochondrosis, gynaecological and male genito-urinary diseases).