Hiking and sightseeing tours (for a day and more) around the Western Ukraine.
Educational tourism (camps in the Carpathians for children and adults).
Corporate trips.
Consulting service (trips around the region).
Qualified guide with knowledge of different languages holds excursions around Lviv:
architectural and cultural monuments, events from the past, legends.
1-day tour «Batiar's Heart»
You'll see the historic center of beer brewing and Lviv Batiars subculture, and notable places related to the city gourmands. Your beer road will be paved with good brews! 2-days tour «Batiar's Path»
Adventures in unexplored Lviv, several meals in the best restaurants and beer tasting to the last man standing... No one will stay sober! Our special offers
We have many other unique ideas besides the beer tours, particularly for those who don't drink beer.