A new museum exposition appeared here in September 2014. It was devoted to the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the I World War. Its materials are displayed in one room of the ground floor in Zhovkivskyy castle. The exposition depicts the condition and structure of the armed forces of Austria-Hungary in the early XX c. Some exhibits inform about the events of the battle near Horodok on September 6-12, 1914.
The stands with materials about the creation of the USS Legion, the first Ukrainian military structure, will be interesting for visitors.
The materials about Peter Nesterov, the well-known Russian pilot, attract the attention, too. He was the first in the history of aviation to ram into the plane of the Austrian officer during air clashes near Zhovkva (Volya Vysotska village) in 1914.
Independence Continues' was opened. The exposition there is represented with materials about ZUNR (West Ukrainian People's Republic) and UNR (Ukrainian People's Republic), as well as about the modern Revolution of Dignity and events in the area of ATO.
Zhovkva Castle Museum is the department of Lviv art gallery. Since 2001 it has been organizing temporary exhibitions. The constant exposition functions since 2007. Its materials inform the visitors about important historical events of the city, the development of its fortifications and presents the materials about famous people of the region.