Today the museum is a unique scientific and art institution that studies, popularizes and preserves Ukrainian art heritage and best examples of the world culture.
The museum collection is based on the pieces of the former district art gallery. Today it houses a great amount of paintings, graphic works, sculpture, works of decorative and applied arts. There are works of prominent artists of the Renaissance epoch, of Italian classicism, of the early Holland realism; art of the countries of the central Europe is also represented here. Russian art collection (ХVIII-ХХ с.) is also of great interest.
The department of Ukrainian art presents creative work of the artists of ХVII-ХХ с., and Taras Shevchenko and Ivan Trush are among them.
There are also masterpieces of Transcarpathian artists — Y. Bokshay, A. Erdeli, A. Kotska, F. Manaylo and others.
The museum has one of the largest collections of Hungarian art in Ukraine. There is also a valuable collection of icon painting of ХVII–ХVIIІ c.