Тransport in Uzhgorod

How to get to Uzhgorod:

One can get to Uzhgorod by train, bus, car or travel by plane. The routes from Lviv go through the Veretsky or Uzhotsky pass; from Ivano-Frankivsk or Chernivtsi — through the Yablunetsky or Torunsky one. Buses and fixed route taxis run around the city.

Schedules on the site of Ukrainian railway
Bus schedules (stations # 1 and station # 2)
How to get to the city center:

From Main railway station go by regular bus #5, 16.

From bus station #1 go along the prospect to the market center 'Ukraina', cross the road, take a regular bus #14 to F. Koryatovych square (the city center, the place for all regular buses to get together).

From bus station #2 walk to F. Koryatovych square (it will take about 15 minutes).

Railway, bus stations, airport:
  Теlephone Аddress GPS
Railway station (0312) 69-29-62, 69-20-67, 69-30-31 Stantsiyna St., 9 N 48.608806 E 22.300452
Bus station #1 (03122) 3-21-27, 3-40-07, (0312) 61-69-81 Stantsiyna St., 2 N 48.612427 E 22.302290
Bus station #2 (03122) 3-70-04 O. Fedynets St., 61 N 48.624743 E 22.302573
Аirport (0312) 64-02-98, 64-29-74 Sobranetska St., 145 N 48.637630 E 22.273648
   air booking-office (0312) 64-05-94    
   'Кyj Аvia — Zakarpattya'
   (air booking-office)
(0312) 61-70-72, (03122) 7-29-33,
(050) 432-42-42
L. Tolstoy St., 33 N 48.621049 E 22.288461

Name Phone
'Vizyt' 1616, (0312) 61-66-66, 66-06-66, (050) 508-99-88, (067) 795-31-10
'Horodok-taxi' (0321) 44-65-64, (050) 862-00-99, (095) 344-20-00, 33-9999-2, (098) 624-20-00, (063) 700-00-59
'Еxpress-taxi' 1502, (0312) 444-777, 61-52-52, 67-29-00, (067) 853-74-71, (050) 23-23-400, (095) 552-52-70, (063) 615-96-36, (068) 555-77-00
'Сіty-Taxi' (0312) 66-44-44, 67-22-22, (050) 1-600-600, 275-50-00, (063) 681-60-60, 185-185-5
'Uzh-taxi' (0312) 63-01-01, 63-02-02, (03122) 3-55-19, (096) 559-92-25, (050) 159-99-86, (063) 812-55-32, (068) 141-89-39
'Lux' (050) 885-18-68, 503-86-27, (067) 310-90-90
'Maximus' 1504, 1556, 1558, (0312) 61-28-88, (050) 587-48-37, (050) 587-93-33, (097) 206-04-36
Photo schedules: