Ustyianovychy Family Museum

The museum was opened in 1991 as a department of Lviv National museum. It is situated in the former village priest's house. Just here Kornylo Ustyianovych, the famous ukrainian artist and public figure, was born in the family of the priest Mykola Ustyianovych, a widely-known writer and poet.
The museum exposition can be divided into sections about Mykola Ustyianovych, about Kornylo Ustyianovych with copies of his pictures and about Frantyshek Rzhehozh — a Czech ethnographer who lived in Vovkiv.

The museum territory, occupying one hectare of the old garden, creates a specifically cozy atmosphere for the visitors here. The museum's well is the deepest in the village. In the former granary the ethnographic section is located. It houses the folk clothes, agricultural implements, kitchen utensils, trunks, etc. The part of the former threshing barn is used now as a meeting hall. And in the kitchen with the old oven the visitors are invited for local tea or milk.
During last five years the museum has been organizing various scientific events, art meetings, etc.
Working hours:
10:00-18:00; closed on Saturday and Sunday.
If arranged in advance, one can visit the museum on weekend.
Entrance fee:
Adults, Students — 5 UAH.
Children — 3 UAH.
Excursion rates:
50 UAH.
Lviv region
Pustomyty district
Vovkiv vil.

Теl.: +38 (03230) 2-51-93
+38 (093) 117-44-11
How to get:
The museum is situated in the village center, near the church of St. Virgin Installation.
49.71198  24.0728  
  convert to dd°mm'ss"

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