The Museum of history and regional ethnography was opened in 1938. The museum exposition attracts by its diversity of exhibits: things of everyday life, local paintings, folk clothes, embroidery, wooden things and things made of clay.
Address: Verkhovyna, I. Franko St., 5
Open: 9:00-18:00, 13:00-14:00 lunch;
closed on Mon.
The exposition represents local traditions and collection of implements of Hutsul magicians — the molfars and znahars. Here you can see special items used for making magic potions and creating spells to help people. In the museum you can also learn about practices of such famous molfars as Andriy Atamaniuk (called Hoi) and Mykhaylo Nechay.
Workshops are available.
Private museum of Roman Kumlyk is located in his own house and was organized 5 years ago. Materials have been collected during 30 years. They are: household utensils, ancient folk clothes, original tools, currency notes of different times, etc., - everything that presents Hutsul life. The collection of musical instruments is the subject of special pride of the owner.
The memorial house of the film 'Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors' was opened in 2001 in the building where the director Sergei Parajanov lived and worked. After shooting this motion picture Parajanov became recognized all over the world.
The exposition is represented with original items connected with the film (wedding guglia which the main character was wearing, pictures of the actors, etc.) and also with authentic Hutsul clothing and household items.
The Shepherd's Hut (cheese dairy) was opened in 2014. There are 2 rooms with authentic clothes and household items (one of them is adapted for giving workshops). There is also specially equipped room 'where milk is made' (here it means - cheese making).
У музеї гуцульського побуту та мистецтва «У трембітаря» експозиція ознайомить з походженням гуцулів, життям гуцула та його ремесла, побутом гуцулки. Можна оглянути традиційний гуцульський одяг (та навіть приміряти його), музичні інструменти Гуцульщини, більше дізнатись про обряди, традиції.
Окрім цього, часто відбуваються майстер-класи гри на трембіті, дримбі, цимбалах, та «Гуцульські танці».
Також можна скуштувати страви гуцульської кухні, попередньо замовивши обід у господарів музею.