Dzembronya village (till 2009 it was called Berestechko) has a status of a mountainous settlement that is located on the territory with an area of 843 ha and is 10 km long. In the village there are households with the population of 245 people. It refers to Bystrets village council.
Dzembronya is one of the historical components of Berestechko village name (Berestetska Dzembronya), that was renamed in 1946 (the locals and numerous tourists did not like the name Berestechko).
According to the legend, the name of the village appeared after Polish soldiers were looking in the suburbs for the daughter of the lord, who was lost in the forest, and shouting 'Gdzie Bronya?'. Among other versions of the origin there is another one — Hungarian word 'dzsemborin', that is translated like 'celebration'. According to this version, on the day of summer solstice on Vukhaty Kamin mountain, that is located not far from the village, the molfars were offering sacrifices to the gods — they stabbed a white bull.
Picturesque Dzembronya village has attracted attention since prewar times. Famous writers Lesya Ukrainka and Vasyl Stefanyk visited the village and worked here. This very tract inspired Serhiy Paradzhanov, the artist and the director with the world name, for shooting the most famous Ukrainian film 'Tini Zabutyh Predkiv' ('The Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors').
Ancient culture and original national traditions, unique customs and rituals which in their own way contribute to the development of the tourist potential of the region, have been preserved in the village.
To the south-west of the village, on Munchel stream (flowing into Dzembronya river) you can see the cascades of the waterfalls which are called Dzembronski (another variant — Smotrytski). The total altitude of water difference is about 100 m, the altitude of the highest cascade is 10 m.
From Stepansky and Kosaryshche valleys, that are located to the north above the village, there is a picturesque view of Chornohora mountain ridge in case of good weather. Dzembronya is also a place where hiking trails to Chornohora ridge start.