
Один з найменших обласних центрів України, близько 230 тис. мешканців, розташований у межиріччі двох Бистриць — Надвірнянської та Солотвинської. На території міста знайдено скарб крем’яних виробів доби неоліту та кам’яні сокири доби бронзи.

 Історія міста

Зараз місто активно реставрується та розбудовується, перетворюючись на один з туристичних центрів Західної України. Сучасний Івано-Франківськ може похвалитись цікавими архітектурними пам’ятками, музеями та безліччю нових кав’ярень і ресторанів, розважальних закладів, відпочинкових зон, тож він може бути як окремою метою Вашої подорожі, так і зручною зупинкою по дорозі в Карпати.

Центр старого міста починається відразу від залізничного вокзалу. Тож пересідаючи з поїзда на інший транспорт, що повезе Вас у гори, не пропустіть нагоди і присвятіть Станіславову / Івано-Франківську невелику прогулянку. Що варто оглянути: романтичні сецесійні вілли вздовж Липової алеї, конструктивістські кам’яниці середмістя, пішохідну зону головної вулиці Незалежності (так звана «стометрівка»), а також численні архітектурні пам’ятки (див. нижче).

 The former parish church of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1703), nowadays there is the Museum of Art, A. Sheptytsky Square 4
 The park created in the place where the fortress walls was, Valova st.
 Adam Mickiewicz Monument, A. Mickiewicz Square
 The fountain, Rynok Square
 The Town Hall
 The town lake
 The town lake
 The town lake
 The playground in the Park dedicated to Soldiers-Internationalists (located between Halytska St., Sestry Vasylianky St. and Soldiers-Internationalists St.)
 The playground in the Park dedicated to Soldiers-Internationalists (located between Halytska St., Sestry Vasylianky St. and Soldiers-Internationalists St.)
 Brewery, Novhorodska St. 49
 Brewery, Novhorodska St. 49
 Railway Directorate (1892), Halytska St. 2
 Railway Directorate (1892), Halytska St. 2
 Railway Directorate (1892), Halytska St. 2
 Railway Directorate (1892), Halytska St. 2
 Railway Directorate (1892), Halytska St. 2
 The Roman Catholic Church of Christ the King (1925-1936) with the only one in Ivano-Frankivsk region working pipe organ, nowadays there is the Greek Catholic Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Vovchynetska St. 92
 The Roman Catholic Church of Christ the King (1925-1936) with the only one in Ivano-Frankivsk region working pipe organ, nowadays there is the Greek Catholic Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Vovchynetska St. 92
 The Roman Catholic Church of Christ the King (1925-1936) with the only one in Ivano-Frankivsk region working pipe organ, nowadays there is the Greek Catholic Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Vovchynetska St. 92
 The Roman Catholic Church of Christ the King (1925-1936) with the only one in Ivano-Frankivsk region working pipe organ, nowadays there is the Greek Catholic Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Vovchynetska St. 92
 Gates of the Potocki Palace
 Gates of the Potocki Palace
 Pasage Gartenberg, Nezalezhnosti St. 3
 Pasage Gartenberg, Nezalezhnosti St. 3
 Pasage Gartenberg, Nezalezhnosti St. 3
 Pasage Gartenberg, Nezalezhnosti St. 3
 Pasage Gartenberg, Nezalezhnosti St. 3
 Pasage Gartenberg, Nezalezhnosti St. 3
 The former Jesuit church (1895), nowadays there is the Holy Trinity Cathedral (Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate), Gryunvaldska St. 3
 The former Jesuit church (1895), nowadays there is the Holy Trinity Cathedral (Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate), Gryunvaldska St. 3
 The former Jesuit church (1895), nowadays there is the Holy Trinity Cathedral (Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate), Gryunvaldska St. 3
 The former Jesuit church (1895), nowadays there is the Holy Trinity Cathedral (Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate), Gryunvaldska St. 3
 Former Armenian Catholic church (1762), nowadwys there is the church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin (Ukrainian Autocephalous Church), Virmenska St. 6
 Former Armenian Catholic church (1762), nowadwys there is the church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin (Ukrainian Autocephalous Church), Virmenska St. 6
 Former Armenian Catholic church (1762), nowadwys there is the church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin (Ukrainian Autocephalous Church), Virmenska St. 6
 Former Armenian Catholic church (1762), nowadwys there is the church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin (Ukrainian Autocephalous Church), Virmenska St. 6
 Former Armenian Catholic church (1762), nowadwys there is the church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin (Ukrainian Autocephalous Church), Virmenska St. 6
 Former Armenian Catholic church (1762), nowadwys there is the church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin (Ukrainian Autocephalous Church), Virmenska St. 6
 Main Railway Station, Pryvokzalna St. 1
 Main Railway Station, Pryvokzalna St. 1
 Former Catholic church of the Holy Resurrection of Christ (1763), nowadays there is Cathedral of the Holy Resurrection (Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church)
 Former Catholic church of the Holy Resurrection of Christ (1763), nowadays there is Cathedral of the Holy Resurrection (Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church)
 Former Catholic church of the Holy Resurrection of Christ (1763), nowadays there is Cathedral of the Holy Resurrection (Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church)
 Former Catholic church of the Holy Resurrection of Christ (1763), nowadays there is Cathedral of the Holy Resurrection (Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church)
 Важлива інформація:

Restaurants, cafes, tastings
Rehabilitation, Spas, saunas, swimming pools
Transport service