The museum is considered to be the regional art treasury. Its collection houses 15 thousand unique monuments of Galician icon painting and baroque sculpture, creative works of Ukrainian art classics.
In 1990-1993 years the paintings of E.-P. Fabiansky (1877) inside the church were cleared by Lviv restorers. That allowed to organize a new, fundamentally different from the former, exposition "Sacral Galician Art of the XV-XX centuries." This exposition contains icon painting and ancient books (ХVІ-ХХ с.), presents the works of some masters of baroque sculpture of XVIII с. ( J.-G. Pinzel, M. Polejovsky) and masterpieces of local icon painting centers.
The museum regularly organizes scientific expeditions into ethnographic regions to study and buy the best samples of folk clothes, embroidery, etc. The folk art works occupy the largest part of the museum collection. The museum rarities are the masterpieces of prominent Ukrainian artists — J. Strak, I. Trush, O. Novakivsky, etc.
There is the library with fiction and reference literature in the museum. Here one can find the albums with various kinds and styles of fine and folk arts.