The first hall is dedicated to Ukrainian art and is divided into three sections. The first one represents painting, carving and graphic arts in Galicia of XVII с. and sacral art of XIX — the beginning of XX с. Here one can see original works of Ukrainian baroque style of the middle XVIII с.: I.-G. Pinzel bas-reliefs, wooden plastic arts of A. Osynsky, books printed anciently. The second section presents the materials about Ukrainian landscape painters creative work. And, in the last one, there are paintings of artists whose life or creative work is connected with Ternopil.
In the second hall one can see West European graphic arts given over by the Hermitage (Saint Petersburg, Russia). The masterpieces of Italian, German and French artists are of great interest. The paintings of Polish and Russian artists also occupy the prominent place in the museum exposition.
The third one is the Memorial hall of D. Sholdra, the first museum's restorer. He presented his 50 pictures to the museum. One can see some of them in the Memorial hall.
The organization of different exhibitions is one of the most important museum's activities. A great amount of the world classics were exhibited here.