Ternopil is an administrative center of Ternopil region, 'the capital of western Podolia'. It is located on the banks of Seret River.
There exist two versions of city name’s origin: consonance with thorny field or with a surname of the city’s founder — Jan Tarnowski.
According to the census of 2001, there are 230,000 inhabitants in Ternopil, most of them are Ukrainians. There are also Russians, Polish, German and representatives of almost 100 nationalities. There are theatres, philarmonic society, museum of regional ethnography, art and other museums, art gallery, parks, spivoche pole (the singing field). During the summertime the fountains work in the city.
Besides, Ternopil is regarded to be one of the greenest cities in Ukraine, it also actively holds the title of the student’s capital of Ukraine.
On 28 May Ternopil celebrates its City Holiday, its patron is St. Thecla.
The oldest buildings of the city are: Castle (1540-1548) and Vozdvyzhenska church (end of the 16th century). The Dominican church and monastery (1749-1779) and church of the Christ’s Nativity (1602-1608) are also magnificent attractions. The city was probably built on the basis of the Orion constellation, 5 angles of which create the sights of architecture mentioned above. The fifth peak was the Jewish Synagogue, which hasn’t preserved till these days.