It is one of the most ancient churches in the region. Some historians date the church back to ХVІІІ с., others — to 1615. But the majority agree that, firstly, the church was built in Yablunytsya, later, in 1780, it was removed to Vorokhta. In 1979 it was restored, but nothing has changed its composition. Today the church is one of the best examples of local wooden architectural school. In its interior there are wall paintings of XIX c. The museum is situated in its bell tower.
The railway bridges composed of several small spans (viaducts) in Vorokhta are interesting architectural monuments, built in XIX c. The largest stone railway bridge was built in 1895. Its length is 130 m with a span of 65 m longwise. It is considered to be one of the largest bridges of the type in Europe.