Steam bath for 6 persons — 1200 UAH per hour, with a cold pool and a lounge room. The rate includes slippers, towels and sheets; switches are available for additional payment.
Vat for 6 persons — 2500 UAH per 2 hours.
Wood-heated sauna for 12 persons with a cold pool — from 150 UAH pro hour, each additional person pays 50 UAH per hour. There is a lounge room (heated floor, sofa, table, kitchen utensils) and a bathroom (shower, WC).
The rate includes herbal tea, bed-sheets, towels, aromatic oils, caps, slippers. Switches are available.
Bathhouse on firewood from 6 to 8 persons. Rate is 350-400 UAH per hour. The rate includes bed-sheets, towels, slippers and caps. Switches and herbal tea are available.
Bathhouse is open around the clock if arranged in advance.
Wood-heated Finnish or Russian steambath for 8-10 persons. Rate includes switches, towels and sheets. A cold pool 3x4 with a modern cleaning system.
Rate is 200 UAH per hour for 4 persons, each additional person pays 50 UAH per hour.
Old tea urn with Carpathian herbal teas, mountain honey. Steaming in decoctions of herbs.
Bathhouse attendant's service is available.
Wood-heated sauna for 10 persons with a pool. There is a swimming pool with hydromassage, a lounge room with a fireplace. Rate per 8 persons — 600 UAH per hour. Minimal order — 2 hours.
Advanced arrangement is required.
Wood-heated sauna for 6-7 persons — 350 UAH per hour.
There are 2 lounge rooms (one has a sofa bed, table; the other one — sofa bed, TV set, table with benches) and a bathroom (shower, WC).
Russian bathhouse on firewood for 15 persons - 350 UAH per hour (to 5 persons; more than 5 persons - per every additional person - 35 UAH).
There is a lounge room (heated floor, couch, small table, tableware, TV set with cable network television) and a bathroom (shower, WC, a tub with cold water).
The rate includes bed-sheets, towels, caps, slippers, aromatic oils, herbal tea, domestic honey. Switches are available. Dishes should be ordered in advance.
2 оздоровчі чани на травах - на 4-5 та 5-10 осіб.
Є вихід до річки.
У вартість включено рушники, тапки, карпатський чай з медом.
Можна замовити сауну на дровах у комплексі з чаном.
Wood-heated sauna for 4-5 persons and a tub with cold water and a lounge — 500 UAH per 2 hours. Rate includes caps. Switch — for extra charge. Advance booking is required.