KARPATSKY National Park

Karpatsky National Park was created on June 3, 1980. It is located in the highest and most interesting geographical area of Chornohora and Gorgany mountains. Ukraine's highest peak Hoverla is located here (2061 m). The main part of the park's territory covers the riverhead of Prut, the rest of the area- Chornyi Cheremosh (Black Cheremosh) river basin.

The climate here is transitional from warm to continental. The average annual temperature — +6°C, average precipitation per year — 800-1400 mm (depending on height).

Forests and meadows dominate on the territory of the National Park, also there are marshes and shrubs here. The park is located in the high-altitude zones of beech-fir and spruce forests, also subalpine and alpine zones. Among dominating coniferous forests main area is occupied by spruce forests; less area is covered with silver fir and Scots pine forests. In the subalpine zone, the forest strip is formed by mountain pine and green alder. European beech, European hornbeam and sycamore maple are most common in broad-leaved forests.

Vegetation of the national park is rich and diverse. Generally, there are 1105  plant species, representing 54,9% of the Ukrainian Carpathians' flora, and  95 species are included into the Red Book of Ukraine. Among herbaceous plants there are: male fern, Symphytum cordatum, Astrantia major (great masterwort), Gymnadenia conopsea (fragrant orchid), Leucojum vernum (spring snowflake). Flora of the highlands is represented by: Anemone narcissiflora, Salix retusa, Dryas octopetala (mountain avens) etc. Mountain plants merge 250 species, including rare: Saxifraga carpatica, Dianthus tenuifolius, Trisetum alpestre, Primula longiflora, Salix herbacea, Salix reticulata etc.

Fauna variety of the Karpatsky National Park is caused by the abundance of relief forms, climate and vegetation. Among small mammals there are: Eurasian pygmy shrew, common shrew, alpine shrew, Miller's water shrew, Eurasian water shrew, house mouse, yellow-necked mouse, microtus, Montane water vole, Eurasian snow vole; among rodents — red squirrel with black and brown fur, edible dormouse, forest dormouse and hazel dormouse. Among cloven-hoofed animals there are: red deer, roe deer, wild boar. Sometimes one can even meet brown bear here. Also, European pine marten, beech marten, badger, wolf, wild cat, lynx, otter and stoat are common animals here. In boreal forests there are taiga birds  — bullfinch, spotted nutcracker and hunting buzzard.

The mountain streams which flow through the territory of the Karpatsky National Park are rich in Brown trout. Among amphibia there are: northern crested newt, Alpine newt, Carpathian newt, moor frog, and common frog, reptiles — natrix, anguis (slow worm), smooth snake, common European adder, sand lizard, viviparous lizard.

In general, the fauna of the park includes: 48 species of mammals, 110 — birds, 11 — fish, 10 — amphibia, 6 — reptiles. 32 fauna species are included into the Red Book of Ukraine; some of them are registered in the European Red List (wolf, brown bear, river otter, Eurasian lynx etc.).

Karpatsky National Park is located in an interesting historical and ethnographic region  — Hutsul region (Hutsulshchyna), with a rich historical and cultural heritage. Tourists are attracted by the outstanding natural features  — caves and  Dovbush Rocks, Probiy waterfall , Maricheyka and Nesamovyte lakes, Kedruvate tract  — the only habitat of Swiss pine, etc. .

Moreover, here are mineral springs of two types — Chloride-bicarbonate-sodium and mineralized bicarbonate- sodium. Partly, they serve as a basis for recreational and tourist activities of the national Park. The network of educational paths was created and expanded here  — 40 walking trails (environmental and educational), 3 ski, 3 water routes with a total length of 400 km.

Eco-tourist Visit-Centre was established in 2009 within the project "Establishment of cross-border network of development and promotion of tourism between the Ivano-Frankivsk region of Ukraine and Maramures county, Romania". Here one may get the diverse information about the land and the national park's area, visit the Hutsul-themed room.

Office of the National Park:
Ivano-Frankivsk region
V. Stus St. 6

Phone: +38 (03434) 2-27-31
+38 (0332) 2-28-15

Open: 9:00-18:00, closed on Sat. and Sun.

E-mail: cnnp@meta.ua
Paid services:
Walking tours by tourist trails:
  • Adults — 30 UAH;
  • Children — 15 UAH.
Parking — 100 UAH per night.
48.249117  24.570597  
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