Hutsulshchyna National Park was created on the 14th of May, 2002 (Kosiv, Ivano-Frankivsk region). It covers an area of 32248 hectares.
The following functional areas are singled out in the park:
According to the complexity of Hutsulshchyna National Park's relief, Pokuttya of the Precarpathians (350-500 m above the sea level) and the Outer Carpathians (1450-1470 m) are singled out. The highest peak is Hrehit mountain (1472 m), its slopes are covered with stone placers. There are rocks with the heigh of 20-40 m on the mountain ridges, which are used by rock climbers and mountaineers.
On the territory of the park there flow rivers and steams, the biggest of which is Lyuchka river, Pistynka river, Rybnytsa river. The most well-known aquatic recreation places are Cheremosh river and Lebedyn lake, located on the altitude of 650 m above the sea level. In addition, waterfalls and river pools are popular here, locals call them "huky" owing to the noise they produce. Moreover, on the territory of Hutsulshchyna National Park there are also natural sources of drinking water and salt springs (salines).
Climate is moderate continental here. Due to the division into the Pokuttya Precarpathians and the Outer Carpathians, respectively cool and thermal zones are differentiated.
Mainly oak woods are an important resource of Hutsulshchyna National Park. There are such trees here as: beech, hornbeam, ash, birch, elm, hazel, haw, buckthorn, elder etc. On the territory of the park there are important primeval forest formations.
Rich flora of the park includes: 874 species of vascular plants, 234 of mossy plants, 296 macromycetes, 242 species of lichens. 67 endangered plant species listed in The Red Book of Ukraine (stiff clubmoss — lycopodium annotinum, Northern firmoss, Swiss pine, lunaria rediviva, Atropa belladonna, autumn crocus, Turk's cap lily, ramsons, Galanthus nivalis — snowdrop, Leucojum vernum — Spring Snowflake, Crocus heuffelianus Herb etc.).
The variety of fauna is represented by numerous species: 51 mammals, 172 birds, 14 amphibia, 8 reptiles, 36 fish and Cyclostomata, 19 molluscs, 15 worms, 1014 insects, 2 Crustacea. 85 animal species, representatives of The Red Book of Ukraine (Brown bear, European otter (Eurasian otter), the wildcat, lynx, black stork, Western capercaillie (wood grouse), black grouse, hazel grouse, booted eagle, lesser spotted eagle, great grey shrike, ural owl, boreal owl, Eurasian three-toed woodpecker, European green woodpecker, white-backed woodpecker), 28 insect species live here.
Along the territory of the park there are trails of state and local significance, ecological cognitive trails ("To the mountain Clifa", "To Rokita", "To the mountain Mikhalkov", "To the ridge Kamyanisty", "To the ridge Brusny", "Dubyna" etc.). Green, equestrian, ethno-tourism, cycling tourism are popularized, alpine skiing tracks operate here. There are even ancient shrines, for instance, with the centre on Lysyna Kosmatska, placing an astronomical observatory or Ternoshor with the sculpture of a pregnant woman.
At The Center for Environmental Education one can find library, video rental club, photo library, photo exhibition, map material. Various interesting scientific events are held here: conferences, seminars, workshops, lectures, festivals, camps and competitions.