From Kolomyja or Ivano-Frankivsk go to Kosiv by bus. There are direct buses from Kyiv and Lviv, too.
The nearest railway station is Vyzhnytsya (Chernivtsi region) — within 12 km, from Vyzhnytsya go by bus to Kosiv.
From the bus station buses and minibuses run to the majority of local villages.
You can find information about transfer to hotels and lodges in their descriptions.
Telephone | Address | |
+38 (03478) 2-12-67 | Hvardiyska St., 11 | |
Name | Telephone |
«Berkut» | +38 (03478) 2-14-77, 4-95-95, (067) 999-30-90, (067) 257-28-66 |
«Voyazh» | +38 (03478) 2-15-15, (067) 590-40-30, (050) 245-99-33 |
«Pryvat» | +38 (03478) 2-22-50 |
«Skif-auto» | +38 (03478) 2-14-93, (096) 220-10-06 |