In 2011 the museum funds numbered 1845 exhibits. The collection of icons, that of sacral sculpture and religious books of XVII-XIX с. are of great value.
The picture of St. Yosaphat Kuntsevych (1580-1623) attracts the visitors' attention. Modest Sosenko (1874-1920), one of the most talented and striking artists of monumental art, is considered to be the author of the picture.
The sculpture collection in the museum exposition can be referred to the II part of XVII — beginning of XVIII с. The figures of Apostols Peter and Paul, the Prophets Moses and Illya, St. Anna and Mariya-Magdalena are worth seeing.
There is also a informative collection of religious attributes. They are items of ecclesiastical vestment, wooden and metal articles. They can be referred to the II part of ХІХ — beginning of ХХ с.
The section of the church history houses the materials about the life and activities of the outstanding figures of the Greek-Catholic church.