The Regional Historical Museum of Stary Sambir

The museum was opened on 28 Oct 2012 with the help of public organizations of the town.
The tour around begins from the room with everyday items dated back to the 19-20th cent. (among them are kitchen utensils, working equipment, gas lights, a crib, etc.), musical instruments, traditional Boyky embroidered shirts and woven rugs. In the same room, there's also a museum library with some books about the history of the town.
In the next room you can learn about historical and cultural life of Stary Sambir, its foundation and development, about the history of the Ukrainian Women's Union and activity of Stanislav Dasho (religious and public figure) in the town. There are also examples of the local sacred arts (icons from the early 20th cent., models of wooden churches, etc.) There are also some exhibits from the period of the Revolution of Dignity.
The third room is a place for a temporary exhibition. Now you can see there an art exhibition called 'Stary Sambir region — the land of historical monuments and scenic nature' which is a collection of artworks created during the First All-Ukrainian Art Plein Air Event (2010).
Working hours:
Sat, Sun — closed.
Entrance fees:
Adult ticket — 10 UAH.
Children's and preferential — 5 UAH.
Excursion for adults — 100 UAH.
Excursion for children — 50 UAH.
Lviv region
Sambir district
Stary Sambir town

Tel.: +38 (068) 007-51-41
How to get there:
By public transport
Go by bus Lviv–Sambir–Turka to Stary Sambir town (leaves from the Western (ukr Zakhidna) bus station twice an hour).
More information about public transport.

By car
Go along the road Lviv–Sambir–Uzhgorod (P-39).
49.4353  22.99707  
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