The museum was opened on the 2nd of May, 2016.
The exposition presents historical sections of the formation of Hutsulshchyna: ancient times (wildcrafting, hunting and finish equipment), woodworking (wooden construction), items of the applied arts (especially, pottery and wooden items), musical instruments (Jew's harps, violins), items used during the First and Second World Wars and opryshky movement, pictures made in different periods of time and a lot of other interesting things.
Entrance fee:
For adults — 20 UAH.
For children — 15 UAH.
individual excursions — 100 UAH.
group excursions — 15 UAH per person.
excursions for groups of children — 15 UAH per person.
It was constructed in 1995 and presents a typical Hutsul dwelling - grazhda. It looks like a small fortress - a closed courtyard where the house with household annexes was located, and the gates, closed for night, served as entrance. Fortifications served as defense against wild animals and strong winds. Such structures were typical in XIV-XIX с., when Hutsuls lived separately. Nowadays one can meet them but rarely - practically in museums.
When in Kryvorivnia, Ivan Franko used to stay in this house. Since 1953 it has been a museum. Exposition is located in 3 halls. One of them presents a study-room of the writer.
The museum was opened 29 September, 2003 in the house where the famous Ukrainian figure M. Hrushevsky used to work and live with his family.
The exposition is represented in 2 rooms, there are copies of M. Hrushevsky documents, photographs and writings.
In one room personal items of M. Hrushevsky are collected. The most valuable among them is the armchair which was given as a present by the historian to the local village head.
Параска Плитка-Горицвіт — гуцульська письменниця, мисткиня, фольклорист і етнограф. Музей присвячений творчості мисткині розміщений у будинку, де вона жила і працювала.
Експозиція музею складається з особистих речей Параски, статуеток, фотографій з особистого архіву, книг, які письменниця випустила більше 50 (більшість рукописні), але в єдиному екземплярі. Також вона сама ілюструвала, прикрашала їх, робила для них палітурки. Більшість з книг має близько 500 сторінок.
Окрім цього у музеї можна оглянути витинанки, картини Параски Плитки Горицвіт. А розписані нею ікони прикрашають світлиці майже кожної хати у Криворівні, декілька з них розміщені у місцевій церкві.
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