Gorgany Nature Reserve was founded in 1996, to preserve the relict Pinus cembra (Swiss pine). The nature reserve is located in the south-western part of the Ivano-Frankivsk region, at Dovbushanski Gorgany (adjacent to a ridge of Dovbushanka, situated between the valleys of Dovzhynets and Zelenytsya rivers ). July 12, 2017 mixed beech forests of the reserve included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The territory of the nature reserve is the least accessible rocky mountainous part of the Ukrainian Carpathians. It is characterized by rapidly declining slopes and enlogated ridges with sharp peaks, with the height of 1500 m. The highest peaks are Dovbushanka (1754 m.), and Vedmezhyk (1736 m.). High humidity of Gorgany entails dense network of streams and rivers. More than 30 mountain river tributaries of the Bystrytsya Nadvirnyanska River spring within the territory of the nature reserve.
The climate of Gorgany is continental, characterized by the transition from cool to cold zone. The maximum temperature record is +16,4ºС in summer, and minimum — -7,6°С in winter. Annual precepitation is 853-1007 mm.
The mountain slopes are covered with pine forests. Mountain-forest meadows, stone deposits and rocks are found here. Forests cover 84% of the nature reserve. Almost half of it is covered by spruce stands, being regarded the most valuable. Among other common tree species there are fir and beech.
473 species of higher vascular plants grow on the territory of Gorgany, 35 of them are included into the Red Book of Ukraine, for instance: the early-purple orchid and the military orchid, orchid twayblade, long-bracted green orchid, perenial honesty. Among regional rare species there are: Monkshood Aconitum, Campanula serrata, Laserpitium alpinum, stemless carline thistle. Relicts are represented by: leathery grapefern, ostrich fern, deer fern, Northern firmoss, February daphne. Also, some endemic species are common here: Leucanthemum vulgare (ox-eye daisy), Centauera marmarosiensis, Centaurea carpatica (Porcius), Dianthus carpaticus, Viola declinata (viola tricolor).
The number of animal species living here exceeds 210 of invertebrates —most of them are insects. Among animals listed in the Red Book of Ukraine there are: grayling (Thymallus thymallus), alpine newt, Carpathian newt, spotted salamander, black stork, lesser spotted eagle, capercaillie, eagle owl, ural owl, white-backed woodpecker, Alpine accentor, Alpine shrew, Miller's water shrew , European snow vole, stoat, European mink, badger, river otter, wild cat, Eurasian lynx.
Workers of the nature reserve are actively involved in the environmental advocacy: they hold discussions and tours, deliver lectures, create videos, are angaged in production and distribution of brochures and leaflets etc.