There are a few historical monuments in Ukraine that can be compared with the legendary Khotyn Fortress. It is mentioned in ancient chronicles and in letters of middle-aged governors, and, also — in memoirs. Numerous folk songs and odes, literary works were dedicated to the Khotyn fortress.
But only in the middle of XX century the restoration works began. In 2000 the State historic and architectural preserve "Khotyn Fortress" was found. In 2007 the fortress was one of the winners of the action "7 Wonders of Ukraine". There are two regular exhibitions here today —"Battering arms" and "Torture instruments".
The first exposition is situated in the basements of the former barracks, built in the II half of XV century. They were reconstructed several times, especially in the ХVІІІ and ХІХ с. It is a rare monument of civil and military architecture that combines feathures of a fortification structure and those of housing dwellings of ХV-ХVІІІ с.
The temporary exhibition "Cold Arms and Guns of ХІІІ-ХVІІІ с." was opened in May, 2012. It represents different arms and accoutrements typical for the region from Old Rus times to the late XVIII c. The main part of exhibits are authentic ones found in Bukovyna. They add to the exposition about Khotyn war of 1621.
The second museum exposition is placed in the south-western tower. It was built in 1480, but ruined in 1538, after a Polish attack. In 1541-1546 the tower was reconstructed on the old foundation. In 2002 its roof was renovated. Today it is as high as 14,25 m.
Nowadays the Commandant's palace was restored in the fortress's yard. In old times it was the Prince's palace, built in the late XV century. Its premises today are considered to be the future exhibition halls.