Worth seeing in Halych

  • Church of the Nativity of Jesus

    The Church of the Nativity of Jesus is supposed to be built in XIV c. In XVI c. it was mentioned in chronicles as the main temple of local craftsmen. It was destroyed for several times by the tatars attacks during ХVІ–ХVІІІ с. The church was reconstructed in the II half of XVIII c. and at that time got its modern look. One of the bells was made in 1785. The wooden carved gilded iconostasis was made at that time, too. The last repair in the church took place in 1960. The interior of the church was changed. The wall painting was done by Michael and Peter Shchupak. The church today is a unique monument of the late middle ages and one of the oldest in the region.
    Address: Halych, Rizdvo Sq.
  • The National Park «Halytsky» was found in 2004, August.
    Its territory is within Halytsky district of Ivano-Frankivsk region, at the junction of Oppilya, Galician valley and Subcarpathia. The park occupies the area of 14684,8 hectares. Its territory combines forest tracts, wetlands, meadow-steppe areas that contribute to the preservation of the unique flora and fauna.
    A special role in the work of the Park is given to the study of ornithofauna - due to wetlands (Burshtyn water reservoir, Dniester River, fish breeding pools), there are 85 bird species here.
    Ecological and educational pathways and tourist routes lead to the most interesting corners of the Park. Moreover, the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre and the Museum of Halych Land Nature operate here.
    Address: Halych, Halych-Hora St., 1
  • The Castle is one of the oldest fortresses in Galicia. The fortress here was firstly mentioned in 1114. As a fortress of Galicia district the castle was built in the middle of XIV c. The Castle had been attacked by peasants in 1490, by tatars in 1620-1621. In summer of 1649 the Castle was seized by the army of B. Khmelnytsky. In XVII c. the Castle was reconstructed by A. Pototsky. The author of the project was Fransua Corrazini, an Italian engineer. But later, with the development of the new city-fortress of Stanislawiw, the Castle lost its importance. Now it is a national monument of architecture. The restoration is being held now here.
    Address: Halych, Konovalska St.
  • Сhurch of St. Panteleymon

    The temple of St. Panteleymon is a monumental church with the samples of the refined white-rock carving and numerous drawings and grafitties on the walls. It is a unique example of the Galician architectural school of princely days. The construction of the temple was completed in 1194. The founder of the temple was Roman Mstyslavovych, Halych-Volyn Prince, who named it Panteleymon in honour of his grandfather — Kyiv prince Izyaslav, whose Christian name was Panteleymon. During centuries the church was destroyed and rebuilt for several times. After the restoration in 1998 the church got practically its previous look. The most valuable and the richest in its form and decoration is its western portal that reminds portals and the outside forms of Roman architecture of Western Europe. The complex also includes a square double-decker tower-bell with a tent roof. The bell tower was built at the early XVII c. A lower tier served as entrance gates, overhead was a defensive tower and the bell tower. Now it is a Greek-Catholic church.
    Address: Shevchenkove village