Тransport in Perechyn

How to get to Perechyn:

Go by train Lviv–Solotvyno, by electric train Mukacheve–Kostryno or by bus from Uzhgorod, Svalyava, Lviv.

Schedules on the site of Ukrainian railway
Bus schedule from Perechyn station

You can find information of how to get to hotels and lodges in the description of the objects.

Raiway and bus station:
  Теlephone Аddress
Railway station (03145) 2-18-84 Perechyn town, V. Mayakovsky St., 5
Bus station (03145) 2-12-40 Perechyn town, Chervonoarmiyska St., 24

АRS (050) 992-98-92, (063) 992-98-92
Photo schedule: