Тransport in Khust

How to get to Khust:

Go to Mukacheve or Uzhgorod by any train of Uzhgorod direction, then go by bus. Other variants: from Lviv go by bus Lviv — Khust, by train Lviv — Solotvyno or from Uzhgorod go by train Uzhgorod — Тyachiv.

Schedules on the site of Ukrainian railway
Bus schedules
Railway and bus station:
  Теlephone Аddress
Railway station (03142) 4-32-50 Khust town, I. Franko St., 116
Bus station (03142) 4-36-84, 4-31-04 Khust town, I. Franko St., 118
Fares from Khust bus station:

"VIP-taxi" (050) 660-81-66, (067) 999-73-87
"Pryvat-taxi" (03142) 5-22-22, 5-11-11, (067) 979-66-71, (050) 665-41-12
"Retro" +38 (067) 848-84-82, (068) 229-29-29, (063) 186-21-21
Photo schedules: