The museum exposition contains eight sections which explain the local modern history in details.
The museum funds number about 10 000 exhibits. The archaeological findings near Korolevo village are of great importance. Korolevo settlement is considered to be the oldest one in Central and Easten Europe.
The bronze collection which is dated by the ІІ-d millenary BC is also of great interest.
Large attention in the museum exposition is paid to the rebellion under leadership of Dierd Dozh (beginning of ХVІ с.) and to liberation movement in 1703-1711 against Austrian enslavement. One of the halls represents the topic 'Local Mode of Life in the period of ХVІІІ с. — I half of ХХ с.'. Here there are household utensils — reels, irons, mortars, plates and dishes, lamps, earthenware. The samples of folk weaving and embroidery are also very interesting.
The museum constantly organizes exhibitions of local artists and folk masters and thematic exhibitions. Among them there is an exhibition of handmade dolls of Nina Korniyenko 'Folk Toy. Doll'.