A ski lift is located in Zhdeniyevo, on the territory of eXtreme Hotel. The guests can ski, ride snowboards or sledges on the slope behind the hotel. Two lifts function there — a drag lift and a rope tow for beginners.
Type of the ski lift | Length | Altitude difference |
Working hours |
Rates |
platter drag lift | 700 m | 150 m | 9:30-16:30 | 20 UAH per lift
150 UAH per 10 lifts 200 UAH per day |
rope tow | 110 m | 60/120 UAH* per day | ||
* children / adults |
The trail best fits for those who begins to ski and for beginners who have already had first experience of skiing or snowboarding. There is a separate trail for sledding.
On the territory of the resort there is a ski rental agency with skis and snowboards for hire (80 UAH for an adult set). There are places to eat, a hotel; rescue service and first medical assistance are available if necessary. Electronic system of admission with daily ski passes functions here.