The 'Kalushchyna' Museum
Historical Museum of Kalush District
Art Gallery

The museum started its work in December 1997 and is placed in an architectural monument. This building belonged to a local Jewish community till 1939. The exposition takes the territory of 145 m2. There are over a thousand exhibits, over 200 of which are authentic objects.

The exposition shows the local history and ethnographic features of the region. There are five sections: 'Geography of Kalush. Pre-Historic Times', 'Our Land reigned by Poland and Austro-Hungarian monarchy', 'Liberation Movement Period', 'Modern Times', 'Everyday life and Folk Culture of Kalush'.

There's a separate section with exhibits given as presents to the museum.

The art gallery is placed in two rooms. Visitors can see there a unique collection of primitive paintings by Petro Savchyn (32 items in total). The main storyline going through all the works shows historical cataclysms in Ukraine of the first half of 20th century. The artist's mastery is recoginzed by variety of well-known art critics.

Working hours:
Monday-Friday — 10:00-17:00.
Lunch break — from 12:00 to 13:00.
Saturday and Sunday — days off.
Entrance fees:
Adults — 1 UAH.
Children under 16 — free of charge.
Guided tours:
5 UAH per group.
Contact info:
Ivano-Frankivsk region
Kalush town
T. Shevchenko St., 9

Tel.: +38 (066) 210-02-30
How to get there:
Go by electric train Ivano-Frankivsk — Morshyn or take a bus from the bus station in Ivano-Frankivsk (departs from 8:00 till 20:00 every 30 minutes). The museum is located in the town centre.
49.02405  24.37009  
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