The local collection stores private letters and family documents, everyday items, clothing and paintings used to belong to the family members.
The exposition is placed in four rooms: in the first one you can learn about life and work of Ivan Franko. The items shown there are photos from the childhood, student's life and adult years of the famous poet and writer. There are also such worth seeing exhibits as the Franko family tree and paintings made by Taras Franko (the poet's son).
In the second room you can see items belonged to the families of Onufriy Franko and Anton Mohylnytsky (a poet and local priest). The third room displays personal possessions of Onufriy Franko and his closest relatives. Finally, the room number four, the exposition in which is called 'Ivan Franko and Hryhoriy Smolsky', contains artworks of a local painter Hryhoriy Smolsky, who also left notable memoirs about I. Franko. Other important exhibits there are some everyday items and embroidery belonged to the Franko family.