History Museum of Tysmenytsya named after Stepan Gavrylyuk
The idea of the museum creation was realized by Stepan Gavrylyuk, the teacher and public person. He was the first to manage the museum. The museum is placed in the building of the former school for men, later — the secondary school. The museum's display occupies three halls on the ground floor. In 2002 the museum got the title of "people's" one, and in 2003 the name of Stepan Gavrylyuk was given to it.
The large part of the museum exposition is dedicated to furriery as Tysmenytsya is the center of this handicraft. There is the furrier's house model, the sheepskin coats samples and also the furrier's tools. There are a lot of interesting photographic copies of the furriery documents and the original certificates of apprenticeship.
The archaeological and banknotes collections, the household utensiles are of great interest for the visitors.
The old city model where one can see the structures which do not exist nowadays deserves special attention too.
The museum also organizes various exhibitions where unknown materials from Ukraine history are depicted.
Working hours:
10:00-18:00, closed on Monday.
Entrance fee:
Free of charge.
Excursion rates:
Free of charge.
Ivano-Frankivsk region
Tysmenytsya city
K. Levytsky St. 4
Теl.: +38 (03436) 2-31-39
How to get:
Go to the city center, then follow the road sign to Kolomyja/Chernivtsi. The museum is the second building on the right.