The museum display is situated in five halls and depicts writer's life and creative work, his public activity, honouring his memory. There are documents, photos, letters, publications of Les Martovych works, presents for the museum among the exhibits. There is also the model of the house where the writer was born, and his parents folk clothes. A great ammount of photos, private things of writer's relatives, peasants recollections tell about Les Martovych childhood. One can also see the student's record card given out to Les Martovych in Vienna University where, in 1902, the writer studied.
Nowadays the estate of Les Martovych family still exists in the village. The descendants of the writer's sister live nearby. There are 2 rooms in the house. Right at the entrance to the hall we can see the kufr — uncarved chest. The exposition of the first room is represented by women's and men's costumes, easter eggs (pysanky) and collection of vytynanky (folk art form of papercutting) made by Ms. Maria (granddaughter of L. Martovych sister). The walls in room are decorated with portraits of the writer's 'blood brothers' — Vasyl Stefanyk and Mark Cheremshyna and the reconstruction of Martovych family tree. In the second room you can see authentic oven, household items, icons, collection of old kitchen utensils and gift-books.