Its exposition houses 30 sections. The most interesting are:
All the exhibits in the museum exposition are original. The most interesting among them are: the wooden cross of 1516, old doors of 1840 made without any nail; shoes of 1879, a cradle of 1900. There are also ancient musical instrumets, and a violine, a pipe, cymbals, a tambourine, a mandoline and a mouth organ are among them.
Ancient tools are of great interest, too. Especially, a flait, millstones, a wooden plough and samples of folk clothes are worth seeing.
In one room the visitors can see the interior of a living room. Here there is a stove, a large trunk with festive clothes and a long wooden table, etc. Each thing here expresses the family warmth.
The museum conducts enlightenment activities. Besides, the museum is a part of the routes of perceptional tourism.