Transport in Chernivtsi

How to get to Chernivtsi:

Trains from Kyiv, Odessa and Lviv go to Chernivtsi. Buses from the most of regional cities go to Chernivtsi, too. But you are to make more precise arrival and departure hours at a controller of the train station or the bus station.

Train schedule on the site of "Ukrzaliznytsya" (Ukrainian Railway)
Bus schedule
How to get to the city centre:

From the main railway station go by trolleybus #3 or 3а.

From the bus station go by trolleybus #3, bus #12 or by trolleybus #6 to Soborna square, then go along I. Franko street.

Train and bus stations:
  Теlephone Address GPS location
Train station +38 (0372) 59-21-90, 59-24-32 Y. Haharin St. 38 N 48.300939 E 25.929986
   ticket booking +38 (0372) 59-23-02    
Bus station+38 (03722) 4-16-35, 4-16-30 Holovna St. 219 N 48.264884 E 25.95199
   Bus station #3+38 (0372) 52-95-09 Halytsky Shlyakh St. 4-v N 48.315239 E 25.916542
Airport+38 (03722) 4-15-30 V. Chkalov St. 30 N 48.266866 E 25.96713
   ticket office+38 (0372) 58-52-95 Tsentralna square, 7 N 48.292388 E 25.934814
Name Telephone
"Bravo" 15-17, (0372) 58-50-85, 90-00-85, (066) 900-99-89, (067) 291-57-57,(050) 511-64-64, (099) 463-35-85
"Bravo Zakhid" (0372) 58-59-99, (050) 338-99-99, (095) 332-99-99, (099) 323-09-99, (067) 858-99-99, (093) 774-99-99, (068) 148-79-99
"Vashe taxi" (0372) 51-55-75, (03722) 7-54-00, (067) 771-74-44, (063) 586-42-42, (050) 670-07-07, (050) 554-02-26, (099) 070-37-07
"Euro Trans" (0372) 58-52-22, 58-51-11, (050) 338-51-11, (098) 971-11-11, (063) 358-51-11, (094) 991-71-11
"Tvoye taxi" 15-52, 15-83, (0372) 58-50-52, (050) 515-64-86, (050) 560-60-83, (098) 228-28-77
"Chernivtsi" (0372) 55-66-77, 55-91-91, (050) 434-41-11, (067) 447-44-22
"Shanson" (0372) 57-77-77, (095) 369-04-19, (050) 662-92-72
"XL taxi" (0372) 58-77-77, 58-77-58, 54-54-54, (050) 566-80-32, (095) 055-09-90, (093) 600-04-55, (067) 773-56-45
Photo schedules:
Bus station