Bratislava Region

Bratislava Region by area is the smallest among all 8 regions of Slovakia. It is located in the southwestern part of the country. It borders with Trnava Region in the North and East, Hungary in the South and Austria in the West

Ethnic composition of Bratislava region consists of Slovaks (91,3%), Hungarians (4,6%) and Czechs (1,6%). Concerning religion, the number of Roman Catholics here reaches 61,9% while Lutherans make 5,6% all together.

Geographically Bratislava Region consists of 8 districts. Metrolopitan agglomeration is formed out of 5 of them. The capital of Slovakia — Bratislava City — is meanwhile the administrative centre of the region.

Historico-geographical land Zagorje is located to the West from Bratislava. Geographically it is surrounded by the White and the Small Carpathians in the East and North, Moravia (historical region of the Czech Republic) — in the Northwest and Austria — in the West. Zagorje has got its name because of being separated from all the rest historico-geographical regions of Slovakia by the Small Carpathians. A special dialect of the Slovak language has formed here: it is very similar to the Moravian dialect of the Czech language. Bor Lowland and Hvoynytsia Upland form Zagorje's relief.

The Small Carpathians start to the north from Bratislava agglomeration. They extend in ridges to the north and divide Bratislava region in half. On the territory of Trnava Region the Small Carpathians slowly become a part of the White Carpathians. Danube Lowland extends to the southeast from the Small Carpathians.

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